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  • Ader, Clement - フランスにおける軍用航空の最初の段階 (1907)

    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900

    Clement AderはEoleの建設を指示します。 この装置は、初心者および科学出版物によって、人が最初に搭載した、低高度および短距離で飛行したと見なされていた。 彼は蒸気機関を完成させて、国防省との契約の下に、秘密を守って最初の航空機を製造した。 1891年のテストキャンペーンの後、...

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    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900
  • Aero Vodochody L-29 (4) デルフィンフライトマニュアル (1971)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Aero L-29Delfín(NATOコード:Maya)は、チェコのメーカーAero Vodochodyによって設計および製造された軍用ジェット練習機です。それは最初のチェコのジェット機であり、そしておそらくソビエト連邦を除いて、COMECONの中で最大の航空産業プログラムです。3,000台...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Air Applicator 1 - Knowing Agricultural Chemicals

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Air Applicator Information Series 1 Knowing Agricultural Chemicals (1964) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County A...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Air Applicator 2 - Understanding Crop Pests

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Air Applicator Information Series Volume 2 Understanding Crop Pests (1964) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County A...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Air Applicator 3 - How to Spray and Dust

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Air Applicator Information Series 3 How to Spray and Dust (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Airport Th...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Air Applicator 4 - Selecting Efficient Equipment (1965)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Air Applicator Information Series 4 Selecting Efficient Equipment (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Ai...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Air Applicator 5 - Answers to Legal Problems (1965)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Air Applicator Information Series 5 Answers to Legal Problems (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Airpor...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Air Applicator 6 - Directory - Where to Find It (1965)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Air Applicator Information Series 6 Directory - Where to Find It (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Air...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • AiRevue 1964 05 (May)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Summary: The Italian aerospace industry in 1964 (Vico Rosaspina) New FIAT projects (Ing. Giura) Italy against Spain (Franco Gonzaga) The Cannes A...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Allen, Hugh - The story of the airship (1933)

    ¥1,300 - ¥1,300
    ¥1,300 - ¥1,300

    PDF - 73 pages - in english    

    ¥1,300 - ¥1,300
    ¥1,300 - ¥1,300
  • American monoplanes with the RAF (1942) (オリジナルペーパーエディション)

    ¥6,100 - ¥6,100
    ¥6,100 - ¥6,100

    American Monoplanes with the RAF - Aircraft identification (Part IV) 1942 Peter G. Masefield, M.A., A.F.R.Ae.S.によるものです。THE AEROPLANE」のテクニカルエディター、「T...

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    ¥6,100 - ¥6,100
    ¥6,100 - ¥6,100
  • Anthony, Victor - Tactics and techniques of night air operations in SEA 1961-1970

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    The Air Force in South East Asia Tactics and techniques of night operations 1961-1970 By Major Victor B. Anthony, USAF Office of Air Force History ...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Antonov An-2 Flight Manual (1983) パイロットマニュアル

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Antonov An-2は、Antonov Design Bureauによって設計された単発の多目的複葉機である。1947年8月31日に初飛行し、ソ連、ポーランド、中国、コロンビアで1万8000機以上生産された。世界最大の単発複葉機として、堅牢で経済的、メンテナンスも容易なこの飛行機は、地球上...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Avianews International - # 187 英語版 1990 ボリュームXVIII N°6 (11)

    ¥600 - ¥600
    ¥600 - ¥600

    Avianews International-英語版1990 N°187ボリュームXVIII N°6 30日/産業用電子機器/エンジン/輸送/スペース ハプニング/第二世代ユーテルサット/アリタリア-USAir協定/オーストリアのエリタリアG222 /サベナにとって困難な時期90年代のブリテ...

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    ¥600 - ¥600
    ¥600 - ¥600
  • B-24 Liberator Pilot Training Manual (1943) (ebook)

    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100
    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100

    B-24 Liberator pilot training manual Published for Air Force Headquarters-Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Training. Octobe...

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    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100
    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100
  • Boeing 737 Quick Reference Handbook (original printed document)

    ¥7,800 - ¥7,800
    ¥7,800 - ¥7,800

    363 pages

    ¥7,800 - ¥7,800
    ¥7,800 - ¥7,800
  • ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Bristol Quarterly Vol 2 #3 Autumn 1956

    ¥700 - ¥700
    ¥700 - ¥700

    The quarterly magazine of the Bristol Aeroplane Company 32 pages - in english - PDF to download --- Le magazine trimestriel de la Bristol Aeroplane...

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    ¥700 - ¥700
    ¥700 - ¥700
  • Buckingham, William - USAF and herbicides in SEA 1961-1971 (ebook)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Operation Ranch Hand - The Air Force and Herbicides in Southeast Asia 1961-1971 William A. Buckingham Jr Office of Air Force History, Washington DC...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Byers, Adrian - バイヤーズ, エイドリアン - 中国・ビルマ・インド戦線における航空供給 1942-1945 (2010)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Air supply operations in the China-Burma-India Theater between 1942 and 1945. Byers, Adrian Rainier, United States Air Force Master of Military Art...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Capy, Xavier - ザビエルキャピ - 北2501ノラトラス(1997)

    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100
    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100

    北2501ノラトラス(1997) ザビエルキャピ ノラトラスは、第二次世界大戦後のフランスの航空産業の復活における主要な要素の1つでした。フランス空軍は輸送機を必要としていました。業界には大量生産プログラムが必要でした。 321コピーが作成され、Nord 2500 Noratlasはその役割を...

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    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100
    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100
  • Celeski, Joseph - Special Air Warfare and the Secret War in Laos - Air Commandos 1964–1975

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

      Special Air Warfare and the Secret War in Laos - Air Commandos 1964–1975 Joseph D. Celeski, Colonel, US Army, Retired Air University Press , Curt...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Cerone, Scott - How should the Joint Force handle the command and control of unmanned aircraft systems (2008) (ebook)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Author: Cerone, Scott R. Branch - Country: United States Air ForceAbstract: The purpose of this monograph is to formulate a proposal for improveme...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Chicago ICA - 国際民間航空条約 (1944) (ebook)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

      国際民間航空条約 第二次世界大戦は、航空発展の強力なきっかけとなった。その結果、アメリカ政府は1944年にシカゴで開催された民間航空に関する国際会議に55州を招待した。これらの州の代表者たちは、多くの国がまだ占領下にあったため、個人的な危険を冒してシカゴに向かった。1944年12月7日、そ...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Clean Sky - working with the Member States and Regions加盟国および地域と協力する「クリーンスカイ」(2018)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    「クリーンスカイジョイントアンダーテイキング(CSJU)」は、欧州委員会と欧州の航空産業との官民パートナーシップであり、研究活動を調整し、資金を提供して、非常に静かで環境に優しい航空機を提供しています。 2015年、Clean Sky 2は、航空研究およびイノベーションにESIF(欧州...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Coué, Philippe - Heavenly Palace (Ebook)

    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100
    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100

      Heavenly Palace Chinese Tiangong-3 space station goes operational by Philippe Coué Tiangong-3 is the culmination of 30 years of effort to provid...

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    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100
    ¥2,100 - ¥2,100
  • Coué, Philippe - Heavenly Palace (Printed copy)

    ¥5,000 - ¥5,000
    ¥5,000 - ¥5,000

      Heavenly Palace Chinese Tiangong-3 space station goes operational by Philippe Coué Tiangong-3 is the culmination of 30 years of effort to provid...

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    ¥5,000 - ¥5,000
    ¥5,000 - ¥5,000
  • Coué, Philippe - Manned spaceflight - a strategic choice for Europe (ebook)

    ¥1,800 - ¥1,800
    ¥1,800 - ¥1,800

    Since the United States turned to private industry for manned spaceflight, a different dynamic has shaken up the space routine of the past forty ye...

    Afficher tous les détails
    ¥1,800 - ¥1,800
    ¥1,800 - ¥1,800
  • Coué, Philippe - Manned spaceflight - a strategic choice for Europe (printed)

    ¥4,000 - ¥4,000
    ¥4,000 - ¥4,000

    Since the United States turned to private industry for manned spaceflight, a different dynamic has shaken up the space routine of the past forty ye...

    Afficher tous les détails
    ¥4,000 - ¥4,000
    ¥4,000 - ¥4,000
  • Coué, Philippe - Shenzhou, China in space (ebook)

    ¥2,300 - ¥2,300
    ¥2,300 - ¥2,300

    Shenzhou, China in space (pdf ebook version) Philippe Coué This book presents the history of the manned space programme of thePeople's Republic o...

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    ¥2,300 - ¥2,300
    ¥2,300 - ¥2,300
  • Coué, Philippe - Shenzhou, China in space (printed version)

    ¥4,000 - ¥4,000
    ¥4,000 - ¥4,000

    Shenzhou, China in space ( printed version) Philippe Coué This book presents the history of the manned space programme of the People's Republic ...

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    ¥4,000 - ¥4,000
    ¥4,000 - ¥4,000
  • D'Orcy - Japonais (402)

    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900


    Afficher tous les détails
    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900
  • De Havilland Comet 4C flight manual (1960) (ebook)

    ¥3,200 - ¥3,200
    ¥3,200 - ¥3,200

    Original manual published in 1960 by the manufacturer De Havilland Aircraft for Mexicana.The last version of the Comet 4, the Comet 4C, first flew ...

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    ¥3,200 - ¥3,200
    ¥3,200 - ¥3,200
  • De Havilland Gipsy Queen Series 30 engine operation handbook (ebook)

    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600
    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600

    The de Havilland Gipsy Queen is a British six-cylinder aero engine of 9.2 litres (560 cu in) capacity that was developed in 1936 by the de Havillan...

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    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600
    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600
  • De Havilland Gipsy Queen Series 70 engine operation handbook (ebook)

    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600
    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600

    The de Havilland Gipsy Queen is a British six-cylinder aero engine of 9.2 litres (560 cu in) capacity that was developed in 1936 by the de Havillan...

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    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600
    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600
  • Douglas DC-6A & B ダグラスDC-6AおよびDC-6Bの説明および操作マニュアル

    ¥3,300 - ¥3,300
    ¥3,300 - ¥3,300

    ダグラスDC-6AおよびDC-6Bの説明および操作マニュアル 1955 DC-6AおよびDC-6Bシリーズの飛行機は、ダグラスエアクラフト社によって製造され、完全な片持ち翼と尾翼、セミモノコック胴体を備えた長距離低翼単葉機であり、完全に格納式の油圧作動式で、三輪車着陸装置。それらは...

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    ¥3,300 - ¥3,300
    ¥3,300 - ¥3,300
  • FAA - Acceleration in Aviation: G-Force

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Acceleration in Aviation: G-Force FAA – Federal Aviation Administration Human beings are adapted to live and survive within the ever-present, accel...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • FAA - Aeronautical charts users guide

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Aeronautical Chart Users’ Guide FAA - Federal Aviation AdministrationHow to read an aviation map ?This Chart Users’ Guide is an introduction to the...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • FAA - Alaska Accidents & Fatigue

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Alaska Accidents & Fatigue FAA – Federal Aviation Administration   Alaska is known for its varied and rugged landscape. Along with temperamenta...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • FAA - Glider Flying Handbook (2013)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Glider Flying Handbook FAA – Federal Aviation Administration   The Glider Flying Handbook is designed as a technical manual for applicants who are ...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Fokker 1911-1936

    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900

    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900
  • Ford Trimotor Monoplane - フォード トリモーター単板 - 取扱説明書 (1929)

    ¥700 - ¥700
    ¥700 - ¥700


    Afficher tous les détails
    ¥700 - ¥700
    ¥700 - ¥700
  • Gillespie, Paul G. - Precision Guided Munitions: Constructing a Bomb More Potent than the A-bomb (ebook)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    Precision Guided Munitions: Constructing a Bomb More Potent than the A-bomb by Paul G. Gillespie Lehigh University - June 2002 T...

    Afficher tous les détails
    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Hawker Siddeley Aviation (1956) (original printed edition)

    ¥3,500 - ¥3,500
    ¥3,500 - ¥3,500

    Hawker Siddeley Aviation This brochure reviews the various programs of Hawker Siddeley Aviation in the late 1950s, when the consolidation with Arm...

    Afficher tous les détails
    ¥3,500 - ¥3,500
    ¥3,500 - ¥3,500
  • HMSO - Target : Germany (1944) (ebook)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    HMSO - Target : Germany (1944) Her Majesty’s Stationery Office The US Army Air Forces’ official story of the VIII Bomber Command’s first y...

    Afficher tous les détails
    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Introduction to US Naval Aviation - 1946 - アメリカ海軍航空の紹介 (ebook)

    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600
    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600

    アメリカ海軍航空の紹介 制限付き 米国海軍作戦部長室航空訓練課発行 1946年1月 - OPNAV 33-NY-85 アメリカ海軍航空の起源から第二次世界大戦の終結までの歴史と進歩。 アメリカ海軍航空の概念 海軍航空の歴史 海軍航空の組織 空母 海軍航空機器 海軍航空兵器 陸上での海軍航空 海...

    Afficher tous les détails
    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600
    ¥1,600 - ¥1,600
  • Lockheed Hudson III service manual (1941) (original imprimé)

    ¥30,200 - ¥30,200
    ¥30,200 - ¥30,200

    Lockheed Hudson III service manual (1941) (original imprimé) Manuel de service original n°1178 Imprimé en 1940-41 par Lockheed Aircraft Company ...

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    ¥30,200 - ¥30,200
    ¥30,200 - ¥30,200
  • Lockheed PV-2 Captain's Handbook (Ebook)

    ¥1,800 - ¥1,800
    ¥1,800 - ¥1,800

    Lockheed PV-2 Plane captain’s handbook (1944) Lockheed Aircraft Corporation The PV-2 Harpoon was a development of the PV-1 Ventura. The wing ar...

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    ¥1,800 - ¥1,800
    ¥1,800 - ¥1,800